10 Questions w/ Vyal

Photo by Taylor Wong

Photo by Taylor Wong

1. Where were u born? Current city or region?

Born east of LA in a city called Montebello and transferred to Boyle Heights , a hospital called White Memorial. I spent two weeks there in an incubator due to a collapsed lung . I was read my last rights and baptized my first day on earth , I believe the ambulance used Whittier blvd at some point which is where the lowrider cruises have always taken place , lol .

2. The artist or artwork that inspired u to do your first piece on a wall?

The first wall I painted was illegal and with a friend who wrote Wen 23 back in the late 80s , he was sort of a mentor in life and was very psychic . He would tell me not to catch a tag on a bus or spot and then I’d chill and a cop would roll by. He would also tell me if I didn’t get up on a spot he was gonna sock me.

Shaun Burner, Bounce, Vyal, Yoshi, Francescka Gamez at World Beats and Life in Washington DC

Shaun Burner, Bounce, Vyal, Yoshi, Francescka Gamez at World Beats and Life in Washington DC

3. How many yrs have u been painting ?

I started my adventures with spray paint in the late 80s but started writing the name Vyal in 1990-91 ….. I did my first art show in 92-93 where my work caught the attention of Chaz Bojorquez who would then make his way to my parents house to let them know that what I was doing was worthy of support . I appreciate him for that to this day . He was and is still a mentor to me even from a distance .

4. What do folks know u for art wise?

The Eyes mostly, which at the very core are a symbol of protection but they have a lot of other meanings to me and are a more universal symbol I can paint that doesn’t alienate any one culture as far as specific representation or political commentary …. Some would say I was always the character guy , but love to mess with letters and different approaches to surfaces .


5. What’s something people often don’t see or understand about your work?

Perhaps the meaning which I covered in the previous answer , they’re not just “eyeballs” that’s a lazy and dismissive way of describing them . They’re universe and microcosms . They’re native and global . They’re the occult and the known . They’re organic and architectural…. On the other hand I think people don’t see or understand what technique go into the work itself . Most of my work comes from people who allow me to “do what I do” they just let me do my thing which is an amazing feeling . I don’t use stencils to get my circles or lines . I may use something for texture but that’s as far as that goes .

6. Whats your medium of choice? What’s something new you’d like to try in a different medium?

SPRAY PAINT always and forever cause there’s still no institution you can go to yo learn this medium . Therefore we are still pioneering (for lack of a better word) techniques on our own on the streets .

Yoshi, Vyal, Bounce, Franceska Juliana at NDSM Amsterdam

Yoshi, Vyal, Bounce, Franceska Juliana at NDSM Amsterdam

7. Song that gets you ready to work? Song that chills you out?

Music is my other life long love and I can go from one extreme to another . Also I like to keep some of my motivational music a secret . It could be some random house song or a totally satanic black metal song …. I try and appreciate artistic output in any form .

8. As an OG in the game what advice do u give to younger artists in terms of biz, health, relationships, or creativity?

Awe damn that’s a huge question . I’ll say it like this , PRACTICE SAFETY ALWAYS . Travel , try new foods , learn about different cultures , love those who deserve and understand those who don’t .


9. What’s a social justice or political issue people need to pay more attention to?

As inhabitants of this continent there are so many but to start with the issues that First Nations are facing should be at the forefront. America is one big party being held in someone else’s house , so it’s important to always remember to conduct yourself respectfully and consciously. Are you benefiting from existing on someone else’s land ? What are those original inhabitants of that area currently going thru. We all wanna jump on the popular issues that seem to become trendy in their own way . Remember your hood wasn’t always yours acknowledging that is a small step towards greater work. Stop using a colonized mindset and realize where your colonizers teachings are effecting your views.

10. What’s something you’re really proud of accomplishing recently?

One of the most important things I’ve ever done in my life was to be able to learn from children of Gaza. I learned that no matter what obstacles are in your way and what threat you face daily, that love and happiness come from within. I’m forever great full for that lesson.

To see more of Vyal’s work please go to his Instagram page and follow him. Stay tuned for more interviews with our members and more posts.

Vyal w/ Breeze painted on Dine Reservation in Arizona

Vyal w/ Breeze painted on Dine Reservation in Arizona


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